10 Things students can do during Coronavirus lockdown

Things to do during lockdown

It was during a pandemic that Sir Issac Newton discovered the laws for which he is famous today. According to an article of The Washington Post, Sir Issac Newton was in his early 20s when the Great Plague of London hit in which a quarter of the population died between 1665 to 1666. Sir Issac Newton didn’t bore himself at home during this time as he kept himself busy with prisms which he had acquired as well as finding about the laws of gravity. It is interesting to know that the idea about gravity struck him while he was sitting under an apple tree and an apple fell over him. It is even more interesting to know that the famous apple tree is still present today. So the key takeaway from this story is that students just like Newton can utilize this time exploring about things rather than sitting idle at their home till the time school reopens. Here is a list of few suggestions which students can take to make their time more productive at their home:

  1. Learning to cook – Cooking is a lifesaving skill. Majority of the students leave their home to pursue higher education or a job. Many a times it occurs that they start missing their regular home cooked foods. Also they generally consume restaurant cooked food which is unhealthy on one side and expensive on the other. If one knows how to cook, then he/she can definitely sail through hard times.
  2. Finding a hobby – Students have got this wonderful opportunity to find their hobby. There is a Japanese term which is known as Ikigai. It means finding something what you love and what you are good at, whether you can be paid for it and whether the world needs that or not. It is not at all surprising to know that all the people who we idolize have found their Ikigai. Students can utilize this time to do things such as singing, dancing, playing an instrument, painting, writing, reading etc and develop it into their passion.Ikigai
  3. Study in advance – It is clear that the coronavirus lockdown is going to stay for a long time. Students can get in touch with their teachers to study different subjects because once the school reopens, there will be a huge load on the students and teachers as well to complete the syllabus and clear the backlogs. In order to be on top of all what will be taught during regular classes, students can go through the chapters themselves as well.
  4. Helping your mother/guardian – It is important for the students to help their parents/guardian during this time as they must be burdened with a lot of day to day activities for all the family members. Helping them in sweeping, washing clothes and utensils, cooking etc will definitely bring a smile on their face.
  5. Organize your home – This is the best time students can find to organize/reorganize stuffs in their house. Probably they can start by organizing their wardrobe/closet, living room, kitchen etc. Experiments can also be done with things like putting up calendar, paintings on a different wall, changing the direction of the bed, putting a curtain in different rooms and what not. It is just to utilize their creative side of the brain to make their home look attractive during this period.
  6. Indulge in conversations – Parents these days usually complain about their kids that they are always on phone. Sparing some time on phone is fine but being always on phone will make parents irritated and kids may land in trouble. This is a beautiful window where most of the parents are usually free so students must utilize this time in engaging into conversations with them related to their future and career.
  7. Exercise or workout – Students must not forget to focus on their health as they must be consuming a lot of calories everyday on one side but not losing it out on the other. They can indulge themselves in home workout and yoga. They can learn online to meditate as well. They must also ask their family members to join them for a daily workout session to stay motivated.
  8. Gardening – Students can contribute to environment through a small gesture by planting, watering and taking care of their small plants at home. If they will do it everyday, they will develop an association with the plants and the urge to take care of the plants will develop into their habit.
  9. Explore Yourself – Students can take some time out and spend some of their time with themselves. This is the time when they can introspect themselves and know about their strengths and weakness and work on those things. Introspection is important as it helps to learn from mistakes and avoid repeating it again. It also channelizes energy to focus in one direction.  
  10. Avoid too much news and social media/ Use internet effectively – These days news channels not just inform about the topics or incidents but they also make stories related to the news. These stories sometimes creates a panic situation among the people. Students must avoid watching a lot of news channels and also being on social media. Instead you can utilize internet to enhance your skills and develop your personality.

This article is written by Ankit who handles digital operations at Vidya Niketan Girls High School, Patna

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Ankit Anand

Ankit is currently working in Bangalore after completing his MBA from ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad in the year 2020.

1 thought on “10 Things students can do during Coronavirus lockdown

  1. Very good and motivational suggestions. Thanks

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